Hi Everyone!
Thank you so much for the encouraging emails and prayers. We are doing great! The kids and I just enjoyed a spaghetti dinner cooked in our hotel room. Fortunately, the outlet works by the sink in the little "kitchen" area and I don't have to cook in the bathroom this year :)
On Saturday we leave with the Swards to go on a little VACAY! We are going down to a beach somewhere in Cambodia for about 5 nights. We haven't vacationed here so we are excited! Then we will go to Kompot to work at an orphanage and hang out with the Kuffels. We will spend our last two nights in Phnom Penh and come home on Monday, the 31st.
Here are some pictures from the past few days! Please excuse any spelling errors or mistakes!
AHHHHH! It is Rattanak!!! For those of you who don't "know" him, he is a baby that we brought over to have heart surgery a few years ago. His story is amazing and we really believe the Lord connected us with him! He is doing so well! He is even walking! I about died when I saw him walk. It is the cutest thing ever. He is so happy and healthy! It was a blessing to see him and his family!

A day at my favorite village! We have been there about 5 or 6 times the past few years. We love it. The people and the scenery are both beautiful!

"Battle wounds!"---- Trent gets the worst bug bites! His arm and leg are so swollen with a bug bite of some sort. This was from yesterday, today they look a lot better! We will be thrilled if this is the worst of our ailments while we are here!!! Please pray it is :)

My disgusting swollen feet! I have had cankles the entire time I have been here! They don't hurt. It is just ugly! I think it is from the long flight. The scratch is from when I fell into a thorny plant when I was helping Didi pee. I am very graceful as most of you know. I got 5 large thorns stuck in the back of my leg as well. It wasn't too bad and thankfully it wasn't poisonous or anything!


This is one of my favorite stories of this year! This is a picture of a church that was recently built. In the photo below, you will see a woman name Sinath. She is one of the main health promoters and she is doing amazing work. We have been able to provide employment to her (with the help of some generous friends/family). Well, this year, instead of keeping the money she made for herself, she gave 3/4s of it to build this church. Another person from Long Beach Friends donated some money and they were able to have it built. She chooses to live in a home that is over that Black River... a home that floods with Black River sewage during the rainy season. Instead of buying herself a new home, which quite honestly, I would have done, she gave the money to this village to build a church. Can you even believe it??? I love her generosity!!!!

Tan and Taliah LOVE each other! He always pretends like he is going to take her at the end of the day! It is super cute. She asks for him when he is not around. At the village, they spent most of the day together!

I love getting to wash the kids hair!

So does Didi! She is such a good helper!

One of the crafts we did.

Didi and Tan, our tuk tuk driver coloring! Adults often like to do the crafts.

This little girl needs heart surgery. Pat and a few others are taking her to the hospital Friday morning. Please pray we can get surgery scheduled for her if it is indeed needed. There is a chance it will be free, and there is a chance it will cost close to $10,000. We will keep you all posted!