Saturday, January 15, 2011


Taking Malaria Medicine- Trent LOVES swallowing his pills!

Didi refuses to swallow her pills so she CHEWS them! YUCK!
It is awful.

We packed a lunch and ate on the Riverfront

View from the Riverfront

Carnival we went to on Friday night

Cambodian Mc Donald's.... aka Lucky Burger
(Lisa J.- I'm sure you'd eat here!)

These kids heard we were in the village and
they all ran to see what was happening!

Medical assessments

Trent putting tattoos on the kids

Didi painting nails

Roadside "gas station"

Rush hour traffic

Building a new roadside store

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm more likely to eat at Lucky Buger than I am at McDonalds! :) Great pics and updates, Kacie! Keep them coming!! Miss you guys & praying for you.
