Friday, January 8, 2010

Fruit Shopping at the Market

Michelle, one of the missionaries took us fruit shopping.... here are some pictures.

This is the fruit we ended up with! The Mango was so good! I am the only one that likes the little red, pokey things. They taste like a peeled grape and are really good! All this fruit cost about $3.oo.

Fish, fish with flies that is!!! I am not a fan of fish to begin with!

I love how they sit on the tables!!!

It seems many people eat clams here because they are sold all over the place. Some come from The Black River, a river filled with sewage. Can you imagine eating such things? They Cambodians are very smart people but they just don't have some of the knowledge that we have been blessed with. The team addresses such issues at the health and hygiene seminar.

1 comment:

  1. Bring me back one of those fish... just wrap it up in some of your dirty clothes for me :)
    Thanks for the updates! You are missed here!
