Saturday, January 9, 2010


What can $15 get you in Cambodia??? Foot massages for three people, tip included! Trent, Didi and I enjoyed an hour long foot massage this afternoon! The massage therapists giggled the whole time they massaged Trent and Didi's feet/legs. I don't think they get many clients that are that young! I know, it seems like we are on a vacation, but I promise we will be doing work! Pat has been working hard. The kids and I are enjoying our down time until Vacation Bible School starts next week!

Trent hanging out with one of our favorite people... Peter!!!!

Some of our old friends from last year. The kids were thrilled to see them! You will be seeing more pictures of them! We will be going to a village with Kityvat (right) to wash kids' hair and to do VBS type of stuff on Saturday. Pau (middle) will be helping us with VBS all week. Tiarot (left) will be taking us to a carnival next Sunday night! Their mom is Sinath, one of the main health promoters. They are such a wonderful family! We adore each of them.

We made each health promoter who attended the health and hygiene seminar a goodie bag filled with fruits, vegetables and rice. We wanted to thank them for their time and efforts. They are working hard to make their country better place!

BEAUTIFUL GIRL! (This one is for Mommles and Grandma)

This is what Trent means by saying Didi is fancy...I had to bring curlers to Cambodia for her so she could have curly hair... Shameless, I know, using our Cambodia blog to post cute pictures of our kids. I can't help myself!!!

1 comment:

  1. omg (goodness)!! I used to have the EXACT same hair curlers!! I LOVED them! I think Didi looks waaaaay cuter in them than I ever did though! :)
